In collaboration with Hong Kong Blind Union, Zonta Club of Hong Kong East sponsored this service project to relieve stress and anxiety of those with visual impairment during the pandemic. A series of workshops were designed and executed with the assistance of tutors and volunteers through 4 types of therapies, i.e., aromatherapy (smell), singing bowels with meditation (hearing), pottery class (touch) and coffee art appreciation (taste), benefitting 22 visually impaired participants. At the closing ceremony cum sharing session attended by the beneficiaries with family and care takers as well as workshop tutors, staff and volunteers of Hong Kong Blind Union, many participants expressed there was improvement for their emotional stress and anxiety. They share how difficult for them to cope with as they often had to navigate through street traffic and pedestrians with eyesight challenge in order to go about their daily life with the Covid outbreaks causing them further emotional issues, such as feeling lonely, isolated, and even clinically depressed.
Zonta Club Hong Kong East is keen on helping the vulnerable to maintain general well-being, especially mental wellness. By recognising one’s moods and emotional needs, the visually impaired will learn to acquire soothing techniques via various therapies for self-discovery of new interests and life-long support for wellbeing.
#16DaysofActivism #ZontaClubofHongKongEast #HongKongBlindUnion #TheVisuallyImpaired #MentalHealth&Wellbeing #AromaTherapy #SingingBowelsMeditation #Pottery #CoffeeArt
由香港東區崇德社贊助及香港失明人協進會舉辦「五去一感官心靈之旅」計劃,透過觸覺(陶藝)、聽覺(頌缽) 、嗅覺(香薰)及味覺(咖啡) 體驗,成功令22位參加活動的視障會員提昇視覺以外的感觀、協助舒緩壓力、發掘新的興趣及建立支援網絡。
#16天運動 #香港東區崇德社 #香港失明人協進會 #關懷視障者 #關注精神健康
#觸覺(陶藝) #聽覺(頌缽) #嗅覺(香薰) #味覺(咖啡)