Area Meeting in Hong Kong on March 18, 2018
Area Meeting in Hong Kong on March 18, 2018
Guest Speaker: Dr. Allan Zeman GBM, GBS, JP Topic: After 20 years since handover, what now for Hong Kong, what is Hong Kong’s future.
Zonta International is pleased to share bios of the Jane M. Klausman (JMK) Women in Business Scholarship international recipients of 2017. These 12 recipients from six countries have demonstrated outstanding achievements and potential in business or a business-related field. The JMK Women in Business Scholarship was established in 1998 from a generous bequest by Jane M. Klausman, a member of the Zonta Club of …
Annual Charity Parties (ACP) 2018 — the Club’s annual signature project at which the turn up rate of participating Zontians is often very high. The aim of ACP is to give the elderly, the single moms and the underprivileged, a total of 80, an opportunity to have a good lunch at J M Marriott; to enjoy the plush hotel environment; to receive goodie bags stuffed with …