15 Aug, 2021 – Zonta Club of Hong Kong East in collaborationwith Heep Hong Society hosted a “City Hunt Service Activity” serving the ethnic minorities with special needs children & families. 17 families with children together with our Golden Z Club members were gathered at Mongkok and took the bus 87D to Ma On Shan Park. Eight checkpoints with different games for the kids & parents were arranged for participants to ensure an enjoyable and meaningful event for all.
於今年八月十五日, 香港東區崇德社與協康會携手合辦了一項別具意義的城市定向活動– 這項特別為有特殊學習需要的少數族裔小朋友及家長的親子活動共有十七個家庭及我們的學生會員參加, 大家一起由旺角出發, 乘搭87D巴士到馬鞍山公園, 在場人士於破解八個神秘點之餘, 更可享受各類戶外遊戲, 不論義工或參與者都樂在其中。