2016 census revealed that there were 22,400 poor ethnic minority (EM) households and 49,400 poor EMs, with a poverty rate of 19.4%. Around 3,600 Pakistanis (700 families) living in Kwai Tsing District. In general, more children (under 18 years old) in Southeast Asian families; the average Pakistani family consists of 3.9 persons. One fourth of Pakistani households have 3+ children. With the threat of COVID-19, we would like to benefit 100 EM families in Kwai Tsing District (mainly Pakistani population) for a scheme with Health-in-Action (醫護行者) : 10 pcs of surgical mask/ person (estimated 5000 pcs for 100 families – 5-persons family) for their difficulties in terms of financial or accessibilities in this difficult time.
We have obtained our goal, and by the end of June, all the beneficial got the donation of the surgical mask and the feedback is very good.