ZHKE is very pleased to announce that our sponsored student, Chloe Jazzy Lau from South Island School, won first place in the Young Women for Public Affairs Award (YWPA) from Area 2 of Zonta’s District 17 which is organised by Zonta International to recognise young women, ages 16-19, for demonstrating leadership skills and commitment to public service and civic causes. It is to encourage them to continue their participation in public and political life.
Our heartiest congratulations to Chloe for her outstanding achievements!
Chloe is described by her teacher at South Island School (English Schools Foundation of Hong Kong) as a natural leader who is dedicated to take action and provide a platform for people who are less fortunate than herself, particularly those with special needs. Chloe founded “The YouMatter” Organization with a view to empowering others through service and advocacy. She is interested in technology and therefore helps run the Digital Leaders Council where she is particularly advocating for women and minorities in this industry. Chloe is also on the founding team of Diversify South where she evaluates and audits Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI)-related policies and programs at South Island School to build a more inclusive environment for students.
好消息!由香港東區崇德社推荐的劉懿嶠同學(就讀於英基南島中學)於今年國際崇德社主辦的青年女性公共事務大獎中取得佳績, 獲得第17分區第一名的殊榮。此獎項專為年齡16-19歲,具領導才華,致力推動公共事務及公民使命的年青女性而設,鼓勵她們參與公共事務及政治。
在老師眼中,劉同學是一位天生的領袖, 心繫社區,坐言起行,她特別關注有特殊學習需要的同學, 因而成立了一個The YouMatter平台, 透過服務及倡議活動幫助有需要的人。由於對資訊科技極感興趣,她也是數碼領袖會的一員,為該領域內的女性及少數族裔發聲。她也創立了南島共融, 協助推動南島中學的多元平權共融政策,以期為學校建立更多元化的學習環境。