Heartfelt thanks to Golden Z alumnus Angel for planning and leading this activity of eco-hiking, i.e., an ideal way to (re)discover hiking while collecting waste. Furthermore, many thanks to alumnus Kima for organising the fellowship lunch. All participants including members and friends of Zonta Club of Hong Kong East as well as Golden Z alumni have had a wonderful time and very much looking forward to our next gathering with Golden Z alumni.
#zontaclubofhongkongeast #ZCHKE #goldenzalumni #ecohiking #fellowship
香港東區崇德社 - 大專社友遠足減廢之旅@虎地郊遊徑及聯誼午餐
感謝香港東區崇德社大專社友Angel 策劃的遠足減廢活動,以及Kima幫忙安排的聯誼午餐,參與的崇德社友和朋友們及大專社友們度過了別具意義和充實的時光,也衷心期待下一次和大專社友的相聚和聯誼。
#香港東區崇德社 #大專社友 #遠足減廢 #聯誼活動