任何人都有可能成為網絡欺凌嘅受害者,亦有機會成為欺凌者而不自知😖 關於網絡欺凌,你有冇啲嘢想講?💭 香港東區崇德社 同 M21攜手合作舉辦 🔸 網絡清「凌」: 向網絡欺凌說不‧短片製作比賽2022/23 🔸 立即組隊參與,推廣正確使用互聯網的態度——關愛及尊重 🧡 優勝隊伍仲有機會贏取高達 $5000 豐富獎品添!🎉 📌 作品要求 內容:以拒絕網絡欺凌為主題,內容須帶出正面訊息 形式:不限 (劇情故事、訪問、資訊分享等) 作品長度:5分鐘內 📌 比賽組別 小學組 | 中學組 | 公開組 (須以2-4人隊制形式參與) 📌 遞交作品期限:2023年4月30日23:59或之前於活動網頁遞交 🏷 想了解更多有關網絡欺凌資訊及比賽詳情,即上 https://m21.hk/zontaHKE2023
【🎥Take a short video and share your thoughts on cyberbullying! 💡】
Anyone can be a bully or a victim of cyberbullying 😖 How can we prevent cyberbullying? 💭 Zonta Club of Hong Kong East and M21 jointly organize 🔸Say No to Cyberbullying:Short Video Production Competition 2022/23 🔸 form a team of 2-4 people to promote the correct usage of the Internet and advocate for using the Internet with care and respect 🧡 The winning team will have a chance to win up to $5000 in prizes! 🎉 📌 Requirements Content: The content should share a positive message on anti-cyberbullying Format: unlimited (it can be a story, interview, information sharing, etc.) Length of work: within 5 minutes 📌 Competition categories Primary School Group | Secondary School Group | Open Group (Need to participate in a team of 2-4 people) 📌 Deadline for submission: Submit on the event page on or before 23:59 on April 30, 2023 🏷 If you want to know more information about cyberbullying and details of the competition, click here https://m21.hk/zontaHKE2023