Violence against women and children has caused very serious women health and mental problems and child developmental issues. Victims of violence suffer devastating effects leading to very serious and damaging short- and long-term physical, mental, sexual and reproductive health problems.
The importance of “Say No to Violence” must be advocated to put an end to violence.
In view of the frequent ongoing of domestic violence and sexual harassment, the Zonta Club of Hong Kong East (ZCHKE) ( of Zonta International ( has made 8 microfilms on “Zonta Say No to Violence”, in order to advocate the importance of prevention to violence by saying “NO”. This prevention method must be broadcast at schools, service centres and charitable organizations so that students and women become aware of the issue and start to take action. This can only be done by school counsellors, teachers and social workers who can help bring the “Say No to Violence against Women’ message to as many students and women as possible at workshops and training sessions. A Workshop Kit on violence and the films has been compiled for trainers’ use at workshops or counselling sessions.