Sponsored by Zonta Club of HK East and organised by HK Lutheran Social Services Rehabilitation unit – “A Journey of Joy – Programme for the well-being of the carers for the disabled 2021” has concluded a productive year by holding ten sessions of enriched training to its beneficiaries. A variety of activities were hosted to enable trainees to deepen their self-understanding and positively embrace their emotions, so that they are able to take good care of themselves and their family members in need. Workshops held included Chinese calligraphy, coffee brewing and latte art, self-awareness and self-care exercise, parent-children interactive activities and Chinese medicine talk on pain management etc, with some of these being conducted by clinical psychologist to identify traps of negative thoughts, how to alleviate stress and take charge of one’s own emotions. Participants all reported significant improvement in their quality of life in terms of more positive emotional state, feeling calmer during their busy schedules and feeling supported and empowered to taking good care of themselves and others!
由香港東區崇德社贊助,香港路德會社會服務處復康組籌辦的「快樂同行」— 關心殘疾人士照顧者身心靈健康計劃2021今年一共舉辦了十節活動,透過不同的活動, 讓參加者全方位學習到如何認識自己及抒發情感,讓心靈得到休息和滋潤,透過各類體驗和學習,學員不但能滋養和照顧自己,更有力量照顧別人,達到自助助人的目標。其中包括學習書法藝術、沖煮咖啡及咖啡拉花技巧、體驗靜觀和練習自我關懷,親子互動遊戲及中醫講座(痛症管理)等, 部份活動更由臨床心理學家帶領家長認識情緒及學習掌控情緒,減輕壓力,如腹式呼吸法、辨識思想陷阱等。參加者都表示,這些活動有助他們在忙亂的生活中提升正面情緒、平靜心靈,感到放鬆、得到支持,學懂關顧自己及更有力量去照顧親人!