ZHKE was honoured to invite Mr Leung Wing Mo, former assistant director of the Hong Kong Observatory, now an Adjunct Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, to share his expertise on the study of Climate Change and the impact of weather on society and human health. The inspiring talk took place at Lingnan Club on December 16 2021, with 25 zontians and joint club members attended.
二零二一年十二月十六日,東區崇德社很榮幸邀請了前香港天文台副台長, 現任理大學教授梁榮武先生,以氣候變化對社會及人類健康的影響為題,於嶺南會所為現場25位崇德社會員及朋友們分享他的專家意見,梁教授的講解深入淺出,令大家獲益良多。