Annual Charity Parties (ACP) 2018 — the Club’s annual signature project at which the turn up rate of participating Zontians is often very high. The aim of ACP is to give the elderly, the single moms and the underprivileged, a total of 80, an opportunity to have a good lunch at J M Marriott; to enjoy the plush hotel environment; to receive goodie bags stuffed with useful gifts such as daily necessities, food etc. donated by members and friends. Guests of the 2017 party were women and their children from our Club’s 6 NGO partners. The City U Golden Zs took photos of individual families and had them mounted on Lady Maclehose frames for them to bring home as souvenirs. Guests of the 2018 party were elders from the Tung Wah Elderly Service Group. The bags used for the goodies were the Lady Maclehose environmental bags. At the parties, there were Lion Dances by the Mary Cove girls; entertainments by the Z girls, guests and Zontians and a Lucky draw with prizes for everyone.