Due to the pandemic, members of IDEAL were not able to meet and celebrate for Christmas. In light of this, IDEAL thought of hosting a virtual Christmas party (by zoom) with all the members so that they could meet their friends and celebrate together virtually.
Zonta Hong Kong East is one of the sponsors for gifts and food for this meaningful event with 80 families’ participation. Gift bags were delivered to individual family on the day of the event, followed by the zoom gathering, via which they all enjoyed the snacks and watched performances together.
因疫情關係, IDEAL的會員只能留守家中, 無法與好友們見面或共賀聖誔, IDEAL於是決定為他們舉辦一個虛擬聚會, 透過視像會議聯絡親朋好友共慶佳節。
香港東區崇德社是這個項目的其中一個贊助機構, 透過捐助禮品及食物, 為八十個受惠家庭送暖。禮品包提前於節目開始前送到各家庭手上, 好讓大家能在視像會議 中一起品嚐小食及欣賞節目, 渡過一個別具意義的聖誔節聯歡會。