Every year, Zonta Club of Hong Kong East (ZHKE) organises a signature project – Annual Charity Party (ACP) for which selected seniors from various elderly homes are invited to share the enjoyment of a delightful hotel luncheon, with performances, games and gifts. This year, such a gathering is no longer possible due to the pandemic, but it does not stop us from extending our care,concern and blessings to the needy.
With encouraging feedbacks, generous support and donations from our members and friends on the idea of improvising the ACP to a gift-sending event, the Club has donated 200 Chinese New Year goody bags for families living in subdivided units distributed through our NGO partner, the Society for Community Organization (SOCO). Each goody bag has a bag of rice, one catty of cured chinese sausages, one catty of dried mushrooms, two cans of luncheon meat,two bags of ready to eat macaroni,one pack of egg noodles, with the access of 200 packs of noodles to be distributed separately, chocolate gold-coins and a lai see with a supermarket coupon worth $150., to brighten up the Chinese New Year season for these families. What’s more, another 660 beneficiaries living in the “cage homes” will each receive two meal coupons to alleviate their difficult situation.
Thanks to the great support from our members who made generous donations, organised the event, took part in the logistics, sourcing and packing of the gifts, more than 860 people would be served for this year’s ACP project, breaking the record of beneficiaries served in a single event and making it another meaningful project of ZHKE.