The Zonta / Mighty Oaks inter-generation service project was held on 30th Jan 2021.
6 Zontians participated in this event. 170 goody bags and 46 CNY lunar cakes were packed at Mighty Oaks office and delivered to Chuk Lam Ming Tong Care & Attention Home For The Aged (竹林明堂護理安老院) for 170 elderly and 100 carers to celebrate Chinese New Year.
Under this CNY programme, Mighty Oaks invited 3 schools; namely Singapore Int’l School, DBS Primary School and HK Int’l School, where students produced CNY videos to 55 elderly homes including Chuk Lam Ming Tong Care & Attention Home For The Aged. The cheerful videos have reached out to over 6,000 elderly. We have circulated these videos to a few of our Service Partners with elderly homes too.
This project aims to provide warmth & care to our elderly community during this festive season to show that they are not forgotten especially by youths of our society.
於今年一月三十日,六名崇德社會員積一起行動,為竹林明堂護理安老院的170名院友親手預備了福袋, 更為100名院內的護理同工送上46份年榚, 一起迎春接福,共賀新年。
同時這項長幼跨代共融社區計劃亦邀請了三間學校,包括新加坡國際學校、拔萃男書院及香港國際學校, 為55間長者護理中心約6,000名長者(包括竹林明堂護理安老院)製作賀年錄影帶,於農曆新年期間播放給各院舍中的長者拜年, 送上祝福和關懷。