Zonta continues to empower women and work for gender equality in its Centennial Anniversary Biennium
Zonta is about empowering women—from the very beginning until now, as we start our Centennial Anniversary Biennium. Through continuous engagement over almost 10 decades, our Zonta sisters have developed Zonta into a respected and reliable agent of civil society.
Zonta is a strong partner for three UN agencies. Zonta’s objects and mission have been aligned with UN goals for 70 years. For the past three years, Zonta has focused on the Sustainable Development Goal 5 (gender equality). As a sign of strong partnership in the 2018 – 2020 Biennium, our Foundation will fund three important projects in partnership with those UN agencies. One of them with the highest single sum ever voted on at a Zonta Convention: US$2 million in the next two years to “Ending Child Marriage.”
Our central idea, the core of Zonta, is strong. It was innovative 100 years ago. And, today, it is as relevant and timely as before. We believe in making the world a better place by empowering women and we find joy by working together toward gender equality in a supportive community of like-minded professionals that even extends to other countries and cultures.
– Susanne von Bassewitz
2018-2020 President of Zonta International and the Zonta International Foundation
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