On Zonta Day November 20, 13 Zontians and four family members participated the Zonta Day service on ZOOM during lunch at Yixin Restaurant while 6 other Zontians joined ZOOM at home, the service being the one-hour Toy Library Training session of the project, “Let’s Play 遊言自得”, for the ethnic minority children of Yang Memorial.
The service started with trainer Cissy explaining how the Toy Library Training worked, how different kinds of toys such as puzzles, chess games, role play etc. helped train children’s Gross and Fine Motor skill, their intellectual and social skills and their motor skill. Parent and child working together helped improve and enhance parent-child relations through learning and playing together as a team.
Kindergarten students guided by Cissy and the social worker Tina started to play with the puzzles for intellectual skill training, accompanied by their mothers. It was nice to see mother and child working together as a team to complete their tasks. Next was the motor skill training toy. It was fun watching the students running around happily trying to perform their tasks, laughing and enjoying themselves as they tried to put the ball into the ring. The activity ended with Q and A time. All 19 Zontians present enjoyed a very relaxed and entertaining Zonta Day.
十一月二十日,十三位崇德社友參加了益新中餐廰的東區崇德社聯誼聚餐,並和六位在家參與的社友一同在網上參加在循道衛理楊震社會服務處的“Let’s Play遊言自得”的服務活動。
社工姐姐們帶著小朋友和他們的媽媽一同玩遊戲,玩訓練大小肌肉和智力的玩具遊戲。 小朋友們非常投入,玩得很開心,母子一同克服困難。崇德社友們也看得很開心,有些還跟著小朋友們一起運動。 最後崇德日的服務活動以問答時段結束。