Women are constantly challenging stereotypes and breaking through glass ceilings. In the Zonta Club of Hong Kong East’s recent talk in collaboration with the Zonta Club of the New Territories II, we had the pleasure to invite Su-Mei Thompson, equality campaigner, media maven as well as CEO of Media Trust and former CEO of The Women’s Foundation of Hong Kong, to share actionable insights on empowering women leaders and to strive for gender balanced leadership.
A big thank you to J.P. Morgan for sponsoring the venue and Mrs. Harshika Patel, CEO of J.P. Morgan Hong Kong and Head of Firm Wi de Strategy Asia Pacific, and Ms. Teresa Lin, Director of Zonta International and Zonta Foundation for Women, for joining us at the event.
面對既定的成見,女性往往要致力尋求突破,超越無形頂障(所謂玻璃天花板)。近日,香港東區崇德社聯同新界西(二) 崇德社邀請了CEO Media Trust婦女基金會前行政總裁周素媚女士為大家分享對於女性賦權及性別平衡議題的獨特見解。
感謝摩根大通為是項活動提供場地,同時更感謝摩根大通香港行政總裁及亞太區戰略負責人彭思佳女士及國際崇德社總監林劉淑英女士出席參與, 令活動生色不少。